Monday, August 17, 2009

What Germs Are you Taking Home?


There can be no doubt; we live in a world that is faced with the constant threat of viral and bacterial upper respiratory infections. The media is filled with alarming articles on swine flu, bird flu, MRSA and Norovirus, just to mention a few. Leading scientist are stating in unison, “It is no longer a matter of if a pandemic outbreak will occur, it is a now a matter of When while many other experts are saying, it is already happening!!

The nose and throat play a vital role in the infectious process since better than 99% of all airborne diseases gain access to your body via the mouth and nose. Consider as an example an airplane environment; No matter the high quality of air that is provided for airline passengers, if a person finds themselves sitting next to an influenza carrier and that person sneezes or coughs, thus atomizing viral germs into the space of others, there is a high probability that people in the near vicinity will come down with the flu.

World health organizations have little to offer in terms of prevention other than to emphasize washing hands often with antimicrobial soaps and lotions. During the recent out-break of H1N1 (swine flu) people were left to wonder; if you come into contact with a flu carrier in the way stated earlier, breathing the air someone has just sneezed or coughed into, what will clean hands do to protect you? If on the other hand you choose to wear a cumbersome face mask as the masses were recently seen doing, one that is not hermetically worn against your face, how much protection will you really have? Is it logical to cleanse your hands every time you touch something such as a door knob, hand rail, elevator button, drawer, paper money and coins, food service counter (I think you get the picture), just how many hand cleansings will it take in a day in order to protect yourself?

WHAT IF YOU COULD CLEANSE YOUR NOSE AND THROAT with an antimicrobial solution that has been formulated to be effective against both viral and bacterial germs and yet be pleasing and refreshing? Would not that be a more effective, less intrusive method of protection? Does this sound like some futuristic method that your children could look forward to? The fact is, the product is here now and is already in wide scale retail and internet distribution. The product is called SinoFresh Nasal and Sinus Care.

Further information can be obtained by visiting

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